Performing runtime evaluation together with design time exploration enables a system to be more efficient in terms of various\r\ndesign constraints, such as performance, chip area, and power consumption. rSesame is a generic modeling and simulation\r\nframework, which can explore and evaluate reconfigurable systems at both design time and runtime. In this paper, we use the\r\nrSesame framework to perform a thorough evaluation (at design time and at runtime) of various task mapping heuristics from\r\nthe state of the art. An extended Motion-JPEG (MJPEG) application is mapped, using the different heuristics, on a reconfigurable\r\narchitecture, where different Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) resources and various nonfunctional design parameters,\r\nsuch as the execution time, the number of reconfigurations, the area usage, reusability efficiency, and other parameters, are taken\r\ninto consideration. The experimental results suggest that such an extensive evaluation can provide a useful insight both into the\r\ncharacteristics of the reconfigurable architecture and on the efficiency of the task mapping.